Book Your Human Design Reading

Human Design Mini Reading

  • Price: $49
  • 20-minute mini reading (option to do a Live or Offline reading, if that is your preference).
  • 2 weeks to ask any follow-up questions

Human Design Primer

  • Price: $111
  • 70+ page Personalized Human Design Primer Report in PDF
  • Covers Energy Type, Strategy, Authority, Centers, Profile, Gates, Lines, Channels, 4 Variables (Digestion, Environment, Perspective, Motivation), and Shadows/Gifts within Gene Keys.
  • My personalized analysis of your chart at the end of the report

Human Design Foundational 1:1 Reading

  • Price: $222 (or $333)
  • 45 min (or 75-min) 1:1 Reading (You have the option to do the reading live or as an offline recording)
  • Your Energy Type, Strategy, and Authority, and how you should make decisions
  • Your centers, gates, and circuits, and how you are designed to do things
  • Your profile and how you are designed to show up in the world
  • Your gates, planets, and variables
  • Your superpowers, and decoding underlying patterns that you have been bumping into, that are keeping you stuck
  • How to show up in your life/business

Human Design Soul Purpose 1:1 Reading

  • Price: $555
  • 60 minute 1:1 Google Meet Call + 2 Week Offline Follow up (Option to do it offline if that is your preference)
  • Your life’s theme, your true north, your superpowers, and shadows i.e. Gates, Profile, Incarnation Cross from a purpose standpoint)
  • How You are designed to monetize your gifts + the best career path for you
  • Your Highest Purpose Here on Earth
  • The Material Way Through Which You Are Designed to Profit i.e. Your Profit Potential
  • How You Are Designed to Market Yourself + The people you are here to attract
  • Bonus 1: Reiki Deconditioning Infusion: Powerful brainwave entrainment audios infused with Reiki energy to accelerate the human design deconditioning process (Value $59)
  • Bonus 2: Human Design Primer: a 75+ page personalized human design report on your design (value $111)

Transcendzen | Human Design Readings & Blog