This is an honest Unlimited Abundance Review that is based on my personal experience with it.
I’ve spent 20+ hours reviewing and 4 months implementing the premium training materials for the popular Unlimited Abundance Program by Christie Sheldon offered through Mindvalley.
If you want to know:
- How Unlimited Abundance compares to similar courses
- Who is the creator behind Unlimited Abundance?
- How to get a discount for the Unlimited Abundance Program
- What are the common criticisms of Unlimited Abundance?
- If the whole thing is legit or a scam
Then you’ve come to the right place.
Let’s get started
My Unlimited Abundance Review by Christie Marie Sheldon (Mindvalley)

Unlimited Abudance is probably the most potent energy healing course for money that I have taken thus far. I release massive amount of energy through Christie's technique. I have not only manifested money and opportunities with this course, but I have let go of my bad habits automatically. The energy healing will make everything in your life easy, effortless, and next level.
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: Christie Marie Sheldon via Mindvalley
My Unlimited Abundance Review by Christie Marie Sheldon (Mindvalley)
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Table of Contents
I bought unlimited abundance a year back and I started redoing it again a few months back. Unlimited abundance is not for everyone because of its esoteric approach to clearing limiting beliefs. But if you’re open to this concept then this course can be life-changing. This has been one of my favorite mindvalley courses.
My money mindset journey
When I first came across the concept of money mindset, I did not realize the amount of negative limiting beliefs I had around money and how they were blocking my ability to manifest abundance in my life. As I started doing this inner subconscious work, money suddenly became easy.
However, over time I noticed that working through my conscious blocks was not enough because I wanted money to come in through certain places and that was not happening. I was not a clear channel for those areas and no matter how hard I tried, it did not happen.
Money, Karma, and Energy
I connected with a few experts within various spiritual modalities and found that different people were telling me the same thing. That I had karma related to money. Having a robust money mindset was helping, but it was not fully working for me because these unconscious blocks were in my subtle body. These were energetic imprints that I had no conscious memory of and were blocking my financial abundance
Is Energy healing real?

I did not believe in energy healing until I gave birth to my second child. He had bad colic issues related to milk protein allergy. At that point, I felt a nudge towards learning Reiki. This was when my eyes opened to the word of energy work because I had now started to tangibly feel energy after my Reiki attunement. I could be in a separate room and send Reiki to my infant in his crib, which would help ease his symptoms and he could sleep well.
When I saw the online seminar for the Unlimited Abundance program, it became clear to me that while I had tackled the practical side and subconscious limiting beliefs works around money manifestation, my energy still needed some work.
What Is Unlimited Abundance About?
Unlimited Abundance is an energy clearing program that is aimed at dissolving limiting beliefs and clearing abundance blocks within your subtle (energy) body. You are guided to connect to the source energy. Upon connection, Christie Marie Sheldon guides you to clear abundance blocks using clearing statements. She then proceeds to fill that void with the energy of your desires.
Who Is Christie Marie Sheldon?
Christie Marie Sheldon is an intuitive healer, author, and teacher. She specializes in abundance and intuition blocks. She uses her psychic abilities, and a unique energy clearing technique to help people eliminate their limiting beliefs, energy blocks, raise their vibration, and manifest their dream life.

How Is Unlimited Abundance By Christie Marie Sheldon Different?
Within energy healing, there are various modalities. The purpose of all of them is to clear energy blockages within our subtle bodies, and channel the life force energy (also known as chi or prana) into it.
I am a Reiki practitioner and find that Reiki is great for healing. Yoga, Qi Gong etc. are also great for healing. In many cases, you can use Reiki for clearing abundance blocks if you are attuned to Reiki, live the Reiki lifestyle, and know the correct intention statements to use. The Reiki process also takes longer.
I decided to take her course because this is her expertise. She is a master at manifesting abundance and clearing money blocks – the scenarios and statements that she uses are powerful. The energy clearing technique that she uses is quite different. From what I understand she learned this technique from her spirit guides. It is potent, quick, and works miracles.
If I were to compare it to Reiki, unlimited abundance sessions leave me with more of a “yang” or masculine type of energy as opposed to Reiki where I feel like I just took a spa massage.
What are Energy Clearing Sessions and do they work?
One important thing to note is that energy healing works through space and time. Lifeforce energy is all around us (kind of like wi-fi). Anyone can channel it.
The Energy Clearing Sessions are pre-recorded audios that help you connect to the lifeforce energy and then use that energy to clear all your abundance blocks through specially crafted intention statements – she calls it energy statements. In most of the audios towards the end, you fill-up the void with lighter (high vibrational) energy.
Course Overview and Structure that
How Does Unlimited Abundance Work?
The course starts with an introduction video with Vishen Lakhiani (the Mindvalley founder), who gives you the course structure and how exactly you should go through the course. It is advised that you should take the quiz, do the first session, the past life bonus modules and then tackle the area that the quiz gives you.
Unlimited Abundance Program Structure

Preparation Module – Abundance Block Diagnosis test
This is the online self-assessment process that is supposed to mimic a 1:1 session with Christie. Once you go through the quiz, you are directed towards the abundance blocks that should be eliminated first.

The 24 Abundance blocks
The Unlimited Abundance Course takes you through twenty-four sessions, each focusing on different abundance blocks.
Christie performed 24 energy clearings live on a group of individuals. Each day in the course contains one of these recorded energy clearings. There is a full recording as well as a “clearing only” audio, which does not include background and her conversations with the group.They range from 12-45 minutes
You are required to listen to one recording every day and keep practicing energy statements throughout the day.

24 Hours of Love or Above
This includes four meditation audios – Morning meditation, Evening meditation, Bless Ball of Light Exercise, and Heart Center Awakening Meditation. They range from 8 minutes to 16 minutes in length
Clearing Past Beliefs and Fundamental Blocks (Bonus)
This includes two bonus clearing sessions. The intro session encourages you to start with this first.
There is an internal community within the mindvalley platform that helps you connect with other people in your course.
Mindvalley offers a 15 Day Risk-free refund. If you find that this course is not for you, then you can get the money back as long as it is within 15 days of purchase.
Who Is Unlimited Abundance For?
Someone who has negative programming around money
Someone who has past life karma over money
Someone who believes in energy clearing and energy healing
Someone who can dedicate periodic time to energy clearing sessions
Who Is Unlimited Abundance NOT For?
Not for someone who does not believe in the spiritual and energetic side of manifesting abundance.
Not for someone looking for a magic pill – you must act on the nudges you get
Not for someone who does not know what money mindset and wealth consciousness are. Having awareness of it will make this course more powerful.
My Unlimited Abundance Review
My initial negative experience
When I took the course for the first time, I could not get into it. The quiz and instructions were a miss for me. The bonus modules that I was advised to start with were distracting and it was hard to stay connected to the energy in between all the conversations happening.
In addition to that, my main block from the quiz was one of the later ones, which was a problem too. Christy would give a lot of background about how to do certain visualizations and statements in the earlier modules. But in the subsequent modules, she obviously skipped over that information, because it was assumed that you already knew that.
If you go by that quiz, it could work against your favor. Please note that I picked up this course in a few months again, did it in order, and it has now completely changed my life.
My First “Real” session and what these energy clearings did for me
I often tell people that when the universe wants you to take a path, you keep seeing it repeatedly. The reference to my past life kept coming up. Finally, I gave in and picked up this course again. But this time, I decided not to do the quiz. I started from the very beginning to understand Christie’s instructions and subsequently did the ones that I felt led to.
As soon as I listened to the first audio, I started to realize how potent this energy healing technique was. I am sensitive to energy – I can tangibly feel energy. I can also feel when energy is being released from my body – usually, it shows up as continuous yawning. I have noticed this with Reiki, EFT, and various other energy healing modalities. When the yawning subsides, my state shifts. That’s my way of knowing that energy blockages are being released from my body.
With the first session of Unlimited Abundance, I knew I was connected to source energy right away and felt that cool, tingly feeling. As soon as Christie started the energy statements, I started yawning big yawns non-stop until the end of the audio session. By the end of the session, my mouth was hurting from all that yawning, and I had tears all over my face – evidence of the massive amounts of energy that I had just released.
Just after one session, I had this sense of intrinsic motivation, confidence, and high energy. I was doing things differently at such a rapid pace. Strategies and ideas started coming to me as downloads. I was working at a different level – with more efficiency and inflow.
My Experience with Christe Marie Sheldon’s Energy Clearing Sessions
3-4 days into the course, I was letting go of my unhealthy habits at a very subconscious level. I had a bad habit of drinking beer or wine at night to unwind. I no longer felt the need to do it – if anything I felt a bit repulsed by it.
I had a bad habit where I worked alongside TV playing in the background. I stopped doing that. I now take my laptop to a different room to work in a state of focus.
I enjoy the process of working now. It doesn’t feel like I need to push myself – it is automatic.
With motivational seminars, you feel this push energy where you feel motivated to force yourself to use your willpower. As compared to those, the difference here is that after these sessions, I felt as if everything was automated. There was just this energy within me that was pushing me to do it automatically – I was looking forward to working even after a long day. And that is the power of energy healing.
Now I just wanted to work on the thing that I was intuitively led to – whether it was related to my personal life or career.
I was doing a Tony Robbins motivational program at the same time as this program. On the days when I skipped the energy clearing sessions, I had to push myself and really use my willpower to see things through. On the days when I used energy healing, everything was effortless. It never felt like I was forcing myself to do anything. I just really wanted to do it. I was excited by the prospect of “doing things”
My Results
The best part of this course is that I do not have to use my will anymore to force myself to pick a better option.
It is so ingrained and unconscious – as if my identity has shifted.
All the actions I am taking are inspired, at a rapid pace, and next level.
I created three digital products that are earning passive income right now in a span of three weeks.
I had a big breakthrough with my blog and got approached for unexpected partnerships.
I doubled my business income, doubled my blog traffic, and created a new passive income stream for myself by creating three courses that are now generating sales. In addition to that, I got close to $7000 from completely unexpected places.
People around me that were causing drama and distress in my life were *poof* gone.
What I liked
- I could do it while sleeping or walking and it’s still worked
- I could feel my energy being released – I am sensitive to energy and could feel my energy being released in a massive way. After sessions, my energy is shifted. I was more productive, inspired, and was abstaining from my typical unhealthy patterns.
- More powerful for abundance than many energy healing modalities
- Distant energy healing is just as potent – Life force energy is all around us
- Christie uses this technique herself – I am a big believer in using your own medicine. Christie practices what she preaches.
- You do not need to rely on audio sessions – You can do these clearings yourself. Anyone can do it.
- You follow the process and use your statements in conjunction with her
What I did not like
- People who understand wealth consciousness will benefit more. The course skims through that. I recommend reading a money mindset book before or while taking this course.
- The quiz did not work for me as well.
- “Fill You Up” and visualization may be vague for beginners – Tip: Do not overthink it!
- It is not permanent – Energy clearing is like taking a shower for your aura every single day, but it is worth it.
- Too fast – Some students complained about statements being too fast. Tip: This is an analytical brain problem – you cannot mess this up. Just go with the flow.
- Some clearing audios had other conversations happening which made the clearing sessions distracting. They do give an option to listen to “clearing only” audios, which helped with this.
- No energy protection techniques post-session – As an empath, I can fill myself up with positive energy, but if I do not seal that energy in then I can lose it easily too.
- May need a mindvalley membership
Frequently asked Questions
Do these “distance sessions” work as well as the live sessions?
Yes, energy works through space and time. I was attuned to Reiki energy over distance. I send Reiki to my kids over distance, and it works beautifully. The one tip I would give is to try to do this course with the rest of your Mindvalley class. That would put you in an energetic container and magnify the effects of this healing.
How much time do I need to dedicate to this?
You must listen to 1 clearing session every day, which can take 15-20 minutes or 30-45 minutes depending on the type of clearing sessions you use. Every module comes with clearing only and the fully recorded version. In addition to that, she recommends having a “me time” session every day and practice these statements 50-60 times that can take 15 minutes at least.
Unlimited Abundance takes some time initially, but the outcome is worth it. You will be 10x more productive and focused once you get rid of the blocks and limiting beliefs holding you back.
Do I need a mindvalley membership for this course?
I purchased the whole program at full price and for lifetime access. I did notice that Mindvalley has removed that option and you need their membership for this course. I personally do not like memberships, but this course is good. Once you understand the process, you can connect to the energy on your own and use the statements that Christie provides in the workbook. While this is not the same as have 24 full recordings, you can still use these tools if you decide to terminate the membership.
Unlimited Abundance Alternatives
This course is unique and one of a kind. I do not have any alternative option currently except to go to Christie’s website directly and purchase from there. They are quite expensive there – $100 for each session as compared to the 26 audios you get all at once here.
I have my own course on Root Chakra healing, which is your money chakra. But I see it more as a complement to this course rather than an alternative.
This course does not go over money manifestation 101. Please check out my round up review post on best manifestation courses to see a complete list
Final thoughts
Unlimited abundance is an excellent manifestation tool for attracting abundance in your life. I could tangibly feel energy release and found that I was working at 10x faster rate. I also noticed that I was in a better energetic state. In addition to that, I manifested multiple opportunities as well as cash money when I was going through this course
If you’re looking to earn more money in your life and have career abundance blocks, then I highly recommend giving the unlimited abundance course a try. I found it to be an excellent tool for attracting all sorts of good things my way. If you have a good money mindset but still feel stuck with money and the certainty around it, then the unlimited abundance course could be exactly what you need.
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