Drop Your Money Struggle by Amanda Frances - My Honest Review

Drop Your Money Struggle by Amanda Frances is one of the best money manifestation courses. I have always manifested money using this bundle. If you do not have the means to purchase the complete Money Mentality Makeover, then this bundle is amazing and will teach you how to manifest cold, hard cash. You will experience a change at the cellular level around your money beliefs and how to attract money. That is how powerful Amanda's work is.
Course Provider: Organization
Table of Contents
Introduction and Money Mindset
Money mindset is huge when it comes to manifesting money. The true difference between a rich person and a poor person is their money mindset. When rich people go bankrupt, it comes back to their abundance mindset and the same can be said for a rags to riches story.
Once we start accepting that money is energy and energy is abundant, your life starts making quantum leaps. Alterantively, if you live your life thinking money is scare and limited then that is what you will attract more of. The biggest problem here is that it is a catch-22. You have to believe in it first to see the results. And it is SO hard to believe first because we are just not programmed to think that way.
Money is one of those areas that everyone has issues around. And this is where Amanda Frances comes in. Amanda Frances is a self made multi millionaire. Her work around wealth consciousness and money mindset is unlike anything I have still before – this is also why she is known as the money queen. She can distill complex money issues into simple concepts that there is no way one cannot appreciate.
What is the Drop Your Money Struggle bundle?
Amanda Frances has a signature program around money known as Money Mentality Makeover. Back in the day, Amanda used to do promotional livestream events. She would then take down the livestreams and package it into a course by adding homework and affirmations around it, which is then resold as a “bundle”.
Drop Your Money Struggle is is a bundle. If you do end up buying the full Money Mentality Makeover course then you get multiple course bundles along with it as bonus videos including Drop Your Money Struggle. Other bundles include The Energy and Frequency of Money, The Wealthy Woman, and Elevate into Overflow.
However, some people do not have the ability to purchase MMM in which case, they go for the next best thing, which is Drop Your Money Struggle and go through that.
In some cases, they decide to upgrade to MMM in future and often receive a credit towards the full course. This bundle is a great way to drip your toes into Amanda’s process and manifest money using it.
How does the Drop Your Money Struggle bundle work?
You get instant access to 10 videos in this bundle along with homework (which is very powerful), journal prompts, and affirmations that you are asked to embody and reaffirm to yourself.
This course has everything you need to manifest money – except that it is not laid out in a logical way and backed up with applications and examples the way Money Mentality Makeover is.
My Review
1st Round
This was the first bundle I did even before diving into Money Mentality Makeover, and if my memory serves right, $20,000 dollars was deposited to my bank account within days. I got a call from a relative who informed me about this investment that was made for me years back. It had matured and it was time to collect the money.
Typically investments in India take a long time to make its way to you – lots of bureaucracy. Especially when you are not there in person. Somehow my luck changed after this course – I got the money within 24 hours. It was a miracle.
2nd Round (Ongoing)
I was inspired to redo this bundle and am doing it by day rather than binging on it the way I did the first time. I will keep updating this post as I progress through the course.
Day 1 was great. I felt empowered after doing the money work, journal prompts from my past l limiting beliefs and experiences. It felt very free-ing as as always, I felt like I was an energetic match for the money I was trying to manifest.
Day 2 – Opened my mail and boom! A $1500 check :). From a course perspective, this deals with energetic boundaries, which I struggle with at times.
Day 3 – This is probably the best day of the course so far. I had a big aha around energetic boundaries around money, and how to get to specific money outcomes. And by specific, I mean specific. I guess this is where this course is very powerful because it enables you to not only diagnose, but also remedy the exact area that may be causing money issues.
I had the nudge all day to order something from Shipt (even though my membership is canceled). I finally went into to app to find out someone had hacked my Shipt account activated it, and was using it. While this was stressful, I am glad it’s now fixed and I am getting all the money back.
I also had a small manifestation on Day 3. Got an email for a $15 venmo credit incentive to reuse an old account. Logged into the account to find $51 that were deposited in the account frm 3 years back
Day 4 – 10 – I had no unexpected money coming in, but I did have a big inspired idea that my human design was aligned with (please disregard if you do not know what human design is :)). I am currently working on it right now..
What I like
Not a one-time manifestation miracle – This is a course that keeps on giving. It is not one of those courses that just works once, and you are done. Keep using the process, and you will keep manifesting money.
Credit towards Money Mentality Makeover – There is usually a credit that is offered towards her bigger Money Mentality Makeover course if you decide to take it in future.
Has all the steps needed to manifest – While the step by step is missing, everything you need to manifest money is in this course.
Perfect for beginners – this is a great primer for someone looking for manifest money
Amanda Frances – Amanda is know as the money queen for a reason – her energy is amazing, and she makes you want to do bigger and better things with your life.
What I did not like
The step-by-step process is missing – But remember that is the way it is. The step by step is in Money Mentality Makeover, but this course has all the pieces you need to manifest, just not that linear and not that much in-depth
Cuss words – first, this is NOT my issue, but some can have a problem with it. So be aware that explicit language is used at times 🙂
Other personal development may be needed – The course does not go over things such as intuition, law of attraction 101, or procrastination. Those are some essential life skills that you should be working on in parallel or you can purchase my intuition workbook to help you with it
Human Design Tidbit
Since my human design certification, I have been adding a little something about human design to reviews, if I feel that it may enhance the decision-making process. If you do not know anything about human design, please feel free to skip this.
If you have G-center connected to the throat, there may be some resistance towards journaling, which is a big part of this course. If that is the case, voice memos and “voice journaling” by talking about loud will work better for you.
If you have an undefined emotional center, there will be some inclination towards unconscious spending habits just to make yourself feel good. If this happens, please be aware of it.
This course will be a blessing for someone with an undefined G-center and ego center. Amanda will raise your sense of self-worth like no other. (P.S. I have both defined, and it still helped me a lot.)
Best Price
My understanding is that Drop Your Money Struggle is open for enrollment throughout the year, but there are certain windows where she cuts the price and offers it on a discount. However, her launches are intuitive – there is no way to predict when that would happen. If you are interested, you can get on the waitlist to get these announcements.
Money Mentality Makeover by Amanda Frances – I highly recommend this program. it is more expensive than DYMS but completely worth it.
Do I recommend this program?
Yes, I absolutely recommend this program for money manifestation. I have always manifested money using this bundle. If you do not have the means to purchase the complete Money Mentality Makeover, then this bundle is amazing and will teach you how to manifest cold, hard cash. You will experience a change at the cellular level around your money beliefs and how to attract money. That is how powerful Amanda’s work is.
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