
Discover the Fascinating Human Design Origin & History: Everything You Need to Know

What is the Human Design System?

Human Design System has often been nicknamed as Modern Astrology, but it is far from it. Human Design is a holistic self-knowledge system that gives you an understanding of who you are, your blueprint at both a conscious and unconscious level. This is how you see yourself, but also things that you are unconscious to, but the world sees in you.

Human Design combines astrology, the Chinese I Ching, Judaic Kabbalah, and the Chakra system. It is said that all these individual systems have their own merits and have evolved. Human Design takes into account the evolution of human beings with respect to these systems, and how these systems tie in with one another. There is a relationship here that provides us with an accurate understanding of who we are.

Not only this, but the Chinese I Ching system has been found to correlate with the genetic codons. This is why human design is not just a mental system, but an accurate blueprint of who we are, even at a biological level. The article will focus on human design origins and how it came about.

The Importance of Human Design System?

Without awareness of human design, we are susceptible to the conditioning field that is all around us. Unaware, we are constantly being rewired. Not all conditioning is bad, but unconscious conditioning is. For example, as a manifesting generator, if someone were to tell me that it is unhealthy to be multipassionate, and while in theory, it makes sense. This would not be correct for me. Manifesting Generators are born to be multipassionate. It is what energizes us and drives us. Yet without the knowledge of human design, we all condition each other unconsciously. While this is well-meaning, this can have adverse effects on our overall life. For example, there are certain people who have an indirect determination. This means that they need to be in dark to digest their food. However, their entire life, they have been conditioned to eat and digest their food in the light. Many ancient wisdom traditions will tell you that is is wise not to eat after sunlight. Again, while it all sounds good in theory, it is incorrect for someone with this type of digestion.

Recognizing the ‘not self’ in Human Design is crucial as it represents the aspects of a person’s identity that are not aligned with their true self. This differentiation helps individuals make better decisions that reflect their authentic nature, overcoming conditioned behaviors that may lead to dissatisfaction or misaligned life choices.

What’s more is that something like digestion, when done incorrectly, can keep one from reaching their highest potential. Because your brain-body system is invariably tied to your outer authority, i.e. the wisdom you are here to transmit to the world. It is tied to your strategy and authority, i.e. your internal decision making system that enables you to live a life without resistance. There is no wonder why we see so much suffering in the world.

What does following your Human Design give you?

Human Design does not give you you a get-quick-rich way. It gives you the path to be happy in life. To live life in a state of flow. No resistance. When I compare to Abraham Hicks work, I see it as giving you a way to live in the “stream of well-being”

“The moment that you live out your own nature, and you enter into life correctly, this is the moment that you get what is correct for you. You get the correct career and you get the correct relationships. So, you see, it does not matter whether you are a success or not, because there will be no suffering despite your state. Whatever that might be. Only then, finally, will there be no part of you that can say: ‘I wish I could be something else or somewhere else.’ ” – Ra Uru hu

The Creator Ra Uru Hu and Origins of Human Design system

The story goes that Ra Uru Hu, who became the transmitter of Human Design, “received” this knowledge in January of 1987. I use the word “received” very loosely. Ra was in his Coxtu/house in Ibiza with his dog when he suddenly heard a “voice”. He describes this voice as cold, dark, intelligent. He noticed water droplets coming out of his skull and standing in a pool of it. He compared it to being in a mile-long marathon where it felt that there was no water left in him. Ra described this experience as being very violent that violated his body. It was cellularly forced upon his body through a certain energy point in his body that in the past masseuses had described as a point that should not be meddled with. Something like an energetic bodysuit was created that surrounded his body and the only time he knew calm was when the voice talked.

Alan Robert Krakower, who later became known as Ra Uru Hu, played a pivotal role in creating Human Design following this transformative mystical experience.

During this time of eight days and nights, he claims to have received this entire body of knowledge, how the universe worked. Ra Uru Hu, who created Human Design, shared that this coincided with the time of the SuperNova in 1987. When the Supernova took place, earth was said to receive three times the amount of neutrinos for 14 minutes.

Yin, Yang, and the Big Bang

The voice explained how the Big Bang was not the birth of the Universe. Rather the Big Bang was the conception of it. This means that the Universe is still considered as being in the “conception” stage. It is still in the womb and is a single entity.

Quantum physics plays a role in understanding the Human Design system, as it helps create an ‘energetic blueprint’ known as a BodyGraph, which individuals use to understand their genetic code and energy interaction with the world.

What happened before was that there was a cosmic Yin egg that contained all the material of the universe, something akin to a crystalline structure. There was also a Yang seed, which was a crystal-like structure.

The big bang happened when the Yin egg and Yang seed crashed into each other at very high speed. The crystals also shattered into pieces, but still retaining their patterns known as fractals. All forms contain these crystals of consciousness within them that come from the original Yin egg and Yang seed.

From a human design perspective, without going into the complexities, the Personality crystal is a part of the Yang seed that sits in the head center of the body graph. This is the crystal that gives you a sense of who you think you are. This is the “I am” conciousness”

The Design crystal is a part of the Yin egg that sits in the Ajna center of the bodygraph. This is the crytal that is your body/your vehicle.

The voice also talks about the third aspect, which is the magnetic monopole. This sits in your G-center and is a “mono” pole, which means that is only attracts. It guides us along the path we are supposed to be on. It will attract all the people/situations in our life to keep us on the path we are supposed to be on. This is our destiny and the monopole is the “driver”

Neutrinos and conditioning.

After the big bang, everything was divided into two things, energy (Yang) and matter (Yin)

The Yin/matter is made of 6 Quarks, which can be divided into groups of two that we know as proton and neutron. These are the building blocks of the Universe. This is the “form”.

The Yang/energy is made of 6 Leptons, which can also be divided into groups of two that we know as electron and neutrinos.

These protons, neutrons, and electrons come together and create the atom. Neutrinos were always thought of as pure energy.

However, interestingly enough, this had been the conundrum was that if everything atomic in nature represented only 10% of the mass of the universe. Scientists couldn’t figure out where the rest of the mass came from. It was later discovered that Neutrinos have an very low mass because they travel slower than light. Stars create an endless streams of neutrinos. They are known as the “breath of stars”. This is known as prana and chi in eastern religions. What is more is that neutrinos have the ability to imprint us with information. When neutrinos penetrate us, they penetrate us with this information they have collected on their way to us.

Human Design integrates various esoteric systems, building upon ancient wisdom traditions to provide a deeper understanding of these influences.

Neutrinos pass through everything, including the stars and planets, absorbing a fraction of their essence. As they pass through us, they transfer this information, which influences our specific energies depending on which gates are activated in our chart.

To explain this in layman’s terms, if we are standing across from each other, the neutrinos would pass through you and get filtered by you i.e. collect the information from your energetic make up. Then, as they penetrate me, they will imprint some of your energetic imprint onto mine.

This is how we get conditioned by one another and by cosmic forces. This would happen on both ends.

Understanding the Human Design BodyGraph

The Human Design BodyGraph is a fascinating and intricate chart that maps out an individual’s genetic code and energy profile. This visual representation of the Human Design system features a mandala with an inner wheel representing the 12 signs of the Western Zodiac and an outer wheel representing the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching. At its core, the BodyGraph is divided into nine energy centers, 36 channels, and 64 gates, each playing a crucial role in determining an individual’s energy type, authority, and life path.

The nine energy centers in the Human Design BodyGraph correspond to different aspects of our being, such as the mind, emotions, and physical vitality. These centers can be defined (colored in) or undefined (white), indicating whether the energy in that area is consistent or variable. The channels and gates further refine this understanding, showing how energy flows between centers and where specific traits and potentials lie.

By analyzing the BodyGraph, individuals can gain profound insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and unique potentials. This tool is invaluable for personal growth and self-awareness, as it helps people understand how their energy profile influences their behavior, decision-making, and relationships. Whether you’re looking to improve your career, enhance your relationships, or simply understand yourself better, the Human Design BodyGraph offers a roadmap to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

How Human Design Works

As noted before, this transmission gave Ra an understanding of how the different ancient systems, that had been in use on Earth, work together with each other. How they contribute to the bodygraph and the inner wheel and outer wheel within the Rave Mandala.


The chakras represents the centers within the human design bodygraph. The traditional chakra system represents 7-centered Home Sapiens, which represent the 7 chakras. However, as per the voice, this was true when we were still Saturnian beings i.e. before the discovery of Uranus. During this time, our life expectancy was still 40 years.

When Uranus was discovered in 1781, we became what is known is 9 centered Homo Sapiens in transition. As a Uranian beings, our life expectancy changed to 80 years. The reason we are still considered “in transition” is because we have yet to reach the full potential of being 9-centered.

Judaic Kabbalah

While the Chakra system talked about the different energy hubs within our subtle body and the flow of energy from one chakra to another, there is no in-depth understanding of how this works. This is where the Tree of Life from the Kabbalistic traditional systems give an understanding of the energetic pathways that connects the centers to one another through gates. This connection is what is known as a channel and gives context to the term “definition” that is used within human design. This is what becomes the dominant life-force within a person. The fixed energy that an individual has access to.

Definition is what categorizes individuals into five Types (Manifestors, Manifesting Generators, Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors).


The inner wheel of the rave mandala represents the universe. It is divided by the 12 zodiacs of the astrology. This positioning shows how the neutrino stream gets filtered before it gets to us and leaves that imprint on us.

When the neutrino stream penetrates an object, communicate and information exchange takes place and gets filtered by it. Similarly, if the neutrino stream penetrates a planet before it penetrates us, there will be an exchange and an imprint will be left upon us by the stream.

For example, pluto represents truth and transformation. If a neutrino stream, on our way to us, penetrates Pluto then an information exchange occurs there.

The planets and stars affect how neutrinos move and carry information. As they pass through the Rave Mandala, they interact with the gates, activating specific energies.

: The positions of the planets at the time of your birth activate specific gates, which are mapped to your Human Design body graph. These activations create your unique energetic blueprint, determining how you interact with the world.


The outer wheel of the mandala shows 64 numbers, known as gates. These 64 gates correspond to the 64 hexagrams within I-Ching or the Book of Changes.

The outer wheel of the Rave Mandala represents the 64 gates of the Human Design system, derived from the I Ching hexagrams, mapped to the zodiac. When these neutrinos pass through us at the moment of our birth, they interact with the activated gates on the outer wheel of the Rave Mandala, imprinting us with specific energetic patterns.

These hexagrams are enormously powerful and represent the cycles and seasons of life. Each hexagram has 6 lines. Therefore the outer circle has 384 lines.

Interestingly enough, the number 64 can also be found in genetics. Our genetic code is also made up of 4 bases that can be divided into groupings of three. Each grouping relates to an Amino acid and is known as a codon. We have 64 codons in our genetic code that uses 4 permutations, similar to the gates. Each gate within human design thereofore corresponds to an Amini acid.

My Contemplation on the origins and the system

I have yet to find a system that has been as accurate as human design. Before stumbling upon human design, I was deeply immersed in the Chakra system. I find the study of Chakras and healing very helpful. Having said that, it could not answer some of my questions such as – why was my Root Chakra so adversely affected – when there were other people who had worse experiences than mine still did not struggle with the root chakra issues I struggled with.

The answer came to me through human design. As someone with an undefined root center and 2 activations in format gates, I started to see why my Root Center worked the way it did. My background in an arts degree also contributed to my understanding of Human Design, providing a foundation for creativity and exploration in various fields.

But if I were to be truly honest, it was Ra’s origin story that kept me from human design when I first discovered it. As someone who can be skeptical, I found the story far-fetched. Very similar to how I felt when I heard about Abraham-Hicks. However, as I trained and learned how to intuit information, I could relate to the Abraham-Hicks work.

For me personally, I have to live it to believe it. What Ra described is not someone I have experienced, but I have seen stories similar to this in folklore. Having said that, I can compartmentize and honestly don’t care where it came from as long as it works.To me, it works. To more I use, the easier my life gets. And to me, that is what matters the most. To the skeptics out there, I will say this – understand your type, strategy, authority, and the four keys of transformation – experiment with it wholeheartedly for some time and see if it makes a difference to your life and then decide if it is something you want to live by in the long term.

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Transcendzen | Human Design & Energy Healing